Yes, this is not a quilt, it's a comforter, made way back in September 2012 for my son's 14th birthday. And, why is it not a quilt? That's because, it's not quilted. Way back then i was quilting illiterate. To me, putting pieces of fabric together, having a batting and a backing meant it was a quilt. It was only once i joined the quilting group desiquilters that i really understood what quilting means. Believe you me, quilting sure does add a whole new dimension to the patch worked or pieced top.
And what did i applique on them. There's Ankit (his name), there's Nagar (his surname and what he's called in his football circle), there's football (his life), there's Gerrard (his favourite player for years on end now), there's Liverpool (the club he supports, but obviously!), there's Red Phoenix (the football club he started 5 years back), there's Cleo (our doggy). I also added a pocket of his school shirt.

For the binding, i tried strip pieced binding using the fabrics which were used for the words. Since there were four empty blocks, i randomly added patches of the same word fabrics.
I started appliqueing the letters in mid August 2012. We were then stationed in Vizag. It is said that when your intentions are noble, you will accomplish what you've set out to do. I finished appliqueing all the letters on the 5th of September. Sat through the night of 6th September and on 7th September when he returned from school, the comforter was waiting for him.
He was happily surprised and thrilled that it had everything that mattered to him on it. Did he ever get a whiff of what was sewing? He saw a few individual letters, but never guessed. He did ask me on 6th night what i was up to. Saying that it was for a friend's daughter was an answer that he accepted.
One always wants to do that something special for their child. One also wants it to be different. As they grow, they have their own tastes, likes and dislikes. How does one keep the excitement and surprise element going? I found this to be the one. I loved every second i spent putting it together. Cutting the letter templates, appliqueing them in the neatest possible way, hiding the letter patches!!! With each passing day,my excitement levels rose. It was a wonderful journey from start to finish to giving, just like it's been a wonderful journey of mothering Ankit!!
This, like my other projects was a fun and exciting one, it was a surprise, it was for my son and it involved everything about him. Together with my husband we decided on the words which meant the most to Ankit. I then decided to applique each alphabet of the words onto square fabrics which were in two colours - white and lemon yellow. To ensure that the words were identifiable, i decided to have each of the words in a different fabric. The appliqueing exercise was done every morning after Ankit left home and i had finished preparing lunch. That was the only way i could keep it a secret.
This is how the comforter looks. It's fairly big at 90" X 100".

For the binding, i tried strip pieced binding using the fabrics which were used for the words. Since there were four empty blocks, i randomly added patches of the same word fabrics.
I started appliqueing the letters in mid August 2012. We were then stationed in Vizag. It is said that when your intentions are noble, you will accomplish what you've set out to do. I finished appliqueing all the letters on the 5th of September. Sat through the night of 6th September and on 7th September when he returned from school, the comforter was waiting for him.
He was happily surprised and thrilled that it had everything that mattered to him on it. Did he ever get a whiff of what was sewing? He saw a few individual letters, but never guessed. He did ask me on 6th night what i was up to. Saying that it was for a friend's daughter was an answer that he accepted.
One always wants to do that something special for their child. One also wants it to be different. As they grow, they have their own tastes, likes and dislikes. How does one keep the excitement and surprise element going? I found this to be the one. I loved every second i spent putting it together. Cutting the letter templates, appliqueing them in the neatest possible way, hiding the letter patches!!! With each passing day,my excitement levels rose. It was a wonderful journey from start to finish to giving, just like it's been a wonderful journey of mothering Ankit!!
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